
Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 2, 2012

Ls. Vũ Đức Khanh gởi danh sách tù nhân lương tâm và chính trị Việt Nam đến Bộ trưởng ngoại giao Canada

Ottawa Ontario, Canada – 154 tù nhân chính trị và tôn giáo đang bị giam cầm và 29 người đang bị quản thúc tại gia với danh tánh và những thông tin cụ thể đã được văn phòng luật VDK, có trụ sở tại 838 Somerset Street West, Suite 30, Ottawa Ontario K1R 6R7 Canada, vừa gởi đến ông John Baird, Bộ trưởng ngoại giao Canada. Bản danh sách này được gởi kèm theo tương trình cụ thể về vấn đề nhân quyền và tôn giáo tại Việt Nam, nhằm phúc đáp thư của vị Bộ trưởng này đã gởi đến VDK hồi tuần trước.
Theo luật sư Khanh, bản danh sách này chưa được đầy đủ.
VRNs xin trân trọng giới thiệu như văn thư nay đến quý độc giả.

Integrity – Competence – Excellence
838 Somerset Street West, Suite 30, Ottawa Ontario K1R 6R7 Canada – Tel: (613) 867-2071 or (613) 238-8889 – Fax: (613) 238-8890 – Email:
Kính thưa quý anh chị, quý cơ quan truyền thông và quý vị có quan tâm về tình trạng Nhân Quyền tại Việt Nam,
Văn phòng VDK Law Office chúng tôi trân trọng kính chuyển thư phúc đáp hôm nay của luật sư Vũ Đức Khanh đến ngài Ngoại trưởng Canada John Baird về tình trạng vi phạm Nhân Quyền một cách có hệ thống của chính phủ Việt Nam để quý vị kính tường và tùy nghi xử lý.
Trong thư phúc đáp ngài Ngoại trưởng Canada John Baird, văn phòng chúng tôi đặc biệt lưu ý Canada cần phải có hành động cụ thể và tiến bộ để chính phủ Việt Nam cần sớm nhận thức rằng họ không thể mong đợi tận hưởng đầy đủ các quyền lợi về thương mại và quan hệ đối tác chính trị, ngoại giao với Canada cho đến khi những cải cách tự do, dân chủ cần thiết đã thực sự diễn ra.
Nhân tiện, văn phòng chúng tôi cũng gửi đính kèm ngài Ngoại trưởng một danh sách (tuy chưa đầy đủ lắm) các tù nhân chính trị, tôn giáo và tù nhân lương tâm ở Việt Nam mà văn phòng chúng tôi đã nhận được từ một số cá nhân, tổ chức đấu tranh cho Nhân Quyền Việt Nam trong và ngoài nước.
Văn phòng chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục cập nhật thông tin cùng toàn thể quý vị về tiến trình đối thoại Nhân Quyền giữa văn phòng chúng tôi, chính phủ Canada và chính phủ Việt Nam trong thời gian tới để quý vị kính tường.
Trân trọng kính chào thân ái và chân thành cám ơn sự quan tâm của quý vị đến tình trạng Nhân Quyền của Việt Nam.
Kính thư.
Luật sư Vũ Đức Khanh
February 21, 2012
The Honourable John Baird, PC, MP
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2
RE: In response to your correspondence on February 16, 2012
Dear Minister John Baird,
I would like to first thank you for your reply. It is important that Canada remains active in promoting values inherent and sacred to Canadians wherever we visit. Democracy, human rights, and the rule of law must prevail, if only because they are true and just.
Yet, as we, alone or in conjunction with the “Group of Four”, Canada , together with the embassies of Norway , New Zealand and Switzerland in Hanoi , continue to raise our concerns with Vietnam , we should also endeavour to do more.
While some progress has been made, the Vietnamese government has also adapted to the increased scrutiny. Rather than imprisoning dissidents (for the most part as the cases of Father Nguyen Van Ly, Dr. Cu Huy Ha Vu, Lawyer Le Cong Dinh, Messrs. Nguyen Tien Trung and Tran Huynh Duy Thuc), which will only attract unwanted attention from human rights watchdogs, the government has instead imposed house arrests (Dr. Nguyen Dan Que), large administrative fines (Mr. Huynh Ngoc Tuan’s family) or sent to the drug rehabilitation center (Mrs. Bui Thi Minh Hang).
Such a response may not seem deplorable at a glance, but when digging deeper, we find that the fines dealt in the case of Mr. Huynh Ngoc Tuan’s family are ridiculous as they are substantial. Fines are in excess of what the average citizen can afford. These fines are not meant to restrict the real criminals, who are already behind bars, but to suppress native democratic and human rights activists.
What, then, can Canada do in addressing this problem? Much in the same way Canada has addressed the imprisonment of human rights and democratic activists, we should speak out against these unjustifiable when they occur. We must press the Vietnamese government to acknowledge that these fines, and the imprisonment of activists, are not befitting a nation seeking to improve their image on the world stage.
Without concrete action and progress, the Vietnamese government will continue to be regarded as a nation unwilling to change for the benefit of its people. To that end, it must be impressed upon said rulers that they cannot expect to enjoy the full benefits of trade and partnership with Canada until necessary reforms have taken place.
Change in Vietnam will undoubtedly be a long and arduous process. It is my hope that Canada remains the most vocal proponent for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, not only in Vietnam but wherever change is required. Our core values have been the foundation of a stable, peaceful, and open society. We should work to respectfully share our beliefs with others.
Attached please find a recent updated non-exhaustive list of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners in Vietnam for your information.
Again, I wish to thank you for your response and attention to this matter, and look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Khanh VU DUC, LL.L., LL.B., MPA
Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public


(Documented as of December 11, 2011)
In prison: 154 persons
1. Ama Help: Born: 1950. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
2. Bom Me: Born: 1954. The minority ethnic group in Gia Lai, an Evangelist follower.
Hình cha Tađêo Nguyễn Văn Lý được in trên tem tại Hoa Kỳ
Arrested 2001, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
3. Bui Dang Thuy: Born: 1950. Former pilot of the Republic of Vietnam Air Force, member of The People’s Action Party of Vietnam (Dang Nhan Dan Hanh Dong), arrested in 1997, sentenced to 18 years in prison, under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” in 09/1999; currently imprisoned at Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
4. Bui Tan Nha: Born: 1953. Former Treasurer of the Hoa-Hao Buddhist (pre-1975), arrest on 07/13/1997, sentenced to life imprisonment, under Article 79 of the 1999 Penal code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on 07/13/1997; currently imprisoned at Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province
5. Bui Thi Minh Hang: Born: 1964. Anti-China protestor/demonstrator, arrested on 11/27/2011 for 2 years of “re-education” based on “Administrative Probation Order” dated 11/8/2011 of People’s Committee Ha Noi; currently imprisoned at Binh Xuyen, Vinh Phuc
6. Cao Van Tinh: Born: 1974. Accused of member and collaborating with the Vietnam Reform Party (Dang Viet Tan), arrested 8/2010, sentenced to 4,5 years’ imprisonment and 4 years of house arrest under Article 79 on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on May 30, 2011. Prison: Ben Tre provincial jail.
7. Chu Manh Son: Born: 1989. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/3/2011 in Nghe An, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: Nghi Kim, Nghe An.
8. Cu Huy Ha Vu: Born: 1957. Doctor of laws, a human rights lawyer has undertaken proceedings against Vietnamese senior officers (including the two times against Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung) for protecting human rights and civil rights in VN. Arrested 11/05/2010, sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” on 04/05/2011. Prison: Thanh Hoa.
9. Dang Ba Tong: Born: Unknown. Member of The People’s Democratic Party of Vietnam (Dang Dan Chu Nhan Dan), was arrested in Tien Giang Province in August, 2006, accused of “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, has yet to be sentenced publicly.
10. Dang Xuan Dieu: Born: 1977. Businessman, member of Catholic Youth, arrested 7/30/2011 in Hochiminh City, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) – Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
11. Danh Huong: Born: Unknown. Khmer in Cambodia, member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), was arrested in Saigon on July 19, 1999, sentenced to 17 years in prison under Article 79 on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on May 16, 2001; currently imprisoned at camp 2 Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province.
12. Dau Van Duong: Born: 1986. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/2/2011 in Nghe An, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: Nghi Kim, Nghe An.
13. Dieu Quyen: Born: unknown. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2006, sentenced on 6/21/2006 to 5 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
14. Do Huong (Doan Hung): Born: Unknown. U.S. Permanent Resident, former Captain of Republic of Vietnam’s Army, member of Alliance of Vietnamese Revolutionary Parties; arrested 1993, sentenced to LIFE imprisonment for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Section B, Nam Ha.
15. Do Thanh Nhan: Born: 1926. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), was arrested in 1999, and sentenced to 20 years in prison under Article 79 on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on May 16, 2001, currently imprisoned at camp 2 Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province
16. Do Thanh Van: Born: Unknown. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam, was arrested 1999 in NongPenh, Cambodia, extradited to Vietnam and sentenced on 5/16/2001 to 12 years’ imprisonment for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code , currently imprisoned at camp 2 Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province
17. Do Thi Minh Hanh: Born: 1985. Member of the United Workers-Farmers Organization (UWFO), an unapproved union working on behalf of farmers whose land has been taken by the government for development. Arrested on 02/23/2010 for distributing anti-government leaflets, was convicted under Article 89 on “disrupting security”, sentenced to 7 years in jail on 10/27/2010 at Tra Vinh provincial People’s Court. Prison: Tra Vinh provincial jail.
18. Do Van Thai: Born: 1960. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), arrested on 2/28/2000, sentenced to 18 years in prison under Article 84 & 79 on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” and “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on 5/29/2001; currently imprisoned at camp 2 Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province.
19. Doan Huy Chuong: Born: 1985. One of the founding members of the United Workers-Farmers Organization (UWFO), an unapproved union working on behalf of farmers whose land has been taken by the government for development. Chuong was arrested in 10/2006 and sentenced to 18 months in jail in 2007. He was rearrested on 02/13/2010, convicted under Article 89 on “disrupting security” and sentenced to 7 years in prison on 10/27/2010 by Tra Vinh provincial court for instigating labor strikes and distributing anti-government leaflets. Prison: Tra Vinh provincial jail.
20. Duong Au: Born: 1955. Active land-dispute protester, member of the Vietnam Populist Party (Dang Vi Dan), arrested on August 26, 2009 at the Vietnam-Cambodia borders, sentenced to 5 years in prison and 5 years of house arrest for violating Article 91 of the 1999 Penal code on “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration”. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province. Au had served two years’ imprisonment prior to current term.
21. Duong Kim Khai: Born: 1958. Pastor in the Mennonite Church, member of the Vietnam Reform Party (Dang Viet Tan), was detained on 8/10/2010, sentenced to 5 years’ imprison and 5 years of house arrest under Article 79 on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on 5/30/2011. Prison: Ben Tre provincial jail.
22. Duong Thi Tron: Born: 1947. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, arrested on 10/02/2006. In the same trial at Dong Thap on 05/03/2007, she was convicted with 1st sentence of 4 years in prison for “Disrupting security” & “Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties” under Article 245 & 257 of the Vietnamese Penal code, and with 2nd sentence of 5 years in prison for her connection to Mrs. Nguyen Thị Thu who set herself on fire (suicided) 2001 in Can Tho province for protesting religious oppression of government; total 9 years’ imprisonment. Prison: Z30, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
23. H Thuy Ya: Born: 1962. The minority ethnic group, an Evangelist follower, arrested 2008, sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “undermining the unity policy” in 2008. Prison: Nam Ha.
24. Ho Duc Hoa: Born: 1974. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 7/30/2011 in Hochiminh City, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) – Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
25. Ho Long Duc: Born: 1953. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam, was arrested on 11/25/1999, and sentenced to 20 years in prison under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 05/29/2001; currently imprisoned at camp 2 Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province.
26. Ho Thi Bich Khuong: Born: 1967. Active land protester, member of Bloc 8406, arrested 1/15/2011, accused of still unknown and has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: Nghe An provincial jail
27. Ho Van Oanh: Born: 1985. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/27/2011 in Hochiminh City, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: 237 Nguyen Van Cu, Hochiminh City.
28. Huynh Anh: Born: 1975. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam, arrested in 2004, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for violating Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “fleeing to a foreign country to oppose the government”. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
29. Huynh Anh Tri: Born: 1971. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), arrested on 12/29/1999, sentenced to 14 years in prison under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 05/29/2001; currently imprisoned at camp 2/Z30A Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province.
30. Huynh Anh Tu: Born: 1968. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), arrested on Dec 29, 1999, sentenced to 14 years in prison under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 05/29/2001; currently imprisoned at camp 2 Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province.
31. Kpa Y Co: Born: 1980. The minority ethnic group, an Evangelist follower of the Vietnam Good News Mission (VGNM) church in Song Hinh district of Phu Yen Province, was arrested on 01/27/2010, and sentenced to 4 years in prison and 2 years of house arrest for “undermining the unity policy” on Nov 15, 2010 by Phu Yen People’s Court. Prison: Nam Ha.
32. Ksor Chung: Born: 1962. The minority ethnic group in Gia Lai, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
33. Ksor Sinat: Born: 1968. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
34. Ksor Y Du: Born: 1963. The minority ethnic group, an Evangelist follower of the Vietnam Good News Mission (VGNM) church in Song Hinh district of Phu Yen Province, was arrested on Jan 27, 2010, and sentenced to 6 years in prison and 4 years of house arrest for “undermining the unity policy” on Nov 15, 2010 by Phu Yen People’s Court. Prison: Nam Ha.
35. Le Cong Dinh: Born: 1968. Former vice president of the Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association 2005-2008, a human rights lawyers was willing to defend many of the above political dissidents in court, until he himself was arrested on 6/13/2009, sentenced to 5 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest on 1/20/2010 in Ho Chi Minh City, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”. Prison: K1, Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
36. Le Kim Hung: Born: 1968. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), was arrested on June 18, 1999, and sentenced to 20 years in prison under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 5/29/2001; currently imprisoned at camp 2 Xuan Loc, Dong Nai Province.
37. Le Thang Long: Born: 1967. Blogger & businessman, arrested in Ho Chi Minh City on 6/14/2009, sentenced on 1/20/2010 to 5 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”. Prison: Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
38. Le Thanh Tung: Born: 1968. Free journalist & pro-democracy activist, member of Bloc 8406, arrested on 12/1/2011 at Ha Dong, accused of “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on. Has been sentenced yet. Prison: B14 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) – Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
39. Le Trung Hieu: Born: Unknown . Member of The People’s Democratic Party of Vietnam (Đảng Dân Chủ Nhân Dân), was arrested on August 14, 2006 in Tien Giang Province, has yet to be sentenced publicly.
40. Le Van Soc: Born: 1956. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist in Vinh Long Province, arrested on 11/04//2006 in Dong Thap Province, sentenced on 5/03/2007 to 6 years’ imprisonment for “Causing public disorder” & “Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties” under Article 245 & 257 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
41. Le Van Son: Born: 1938. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, arrested in 1982, and sentenced to life imprisonment on charge of “Activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. He is detained in T 5, Thanh Cam district, Thanh Hoa, province.
42. Le Van Son: Born: 1985. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/3/2011 in Ha Noi, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
43. Le Van Thanh: Born: 1975. Member of Falun Gong in Vietnam. Arrested 6/11/2010, accused of broardcasting Falun Gong’s “Sound of Hope Network” into China, sentenced on 11/10/2011 to 2 years’ imprisonment for “Illegally using information in computer networks” under Article 226 of the Vietnamese Penal code. B14 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) – Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
44. Le Van Tinh: Born: 1940. Former House Representative of the Republic of Vietnam, advisor to the Hoa-Hao Buddhist. Member of the People’s Action Party, was arrested in Siem-Riep province (Campuchia) on 01/25/1995, extradited to Vietnam with 21 other PAP on 12/5/1996, and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment by the An Giang Provincial Court on 9/8/1999 for violating Article 91 & 79 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “fleeing to a foreign country to oppose the government” and “attempting to overthrow the people government”. Prison: K2, Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
Tinh had been held 10 years in a “re-education camp” prior to current prison term.
45. Lu Văn Bay: Born: 1952. Arrested 3/26/2011, sentenced to 4 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” on 8/22/2011. Prison: unknown.
46. Mai Thi Dung: Born: 1969. Leader of Hoa-Hao Buddhist women League of Cho Moi District, An Giang Province, was arrested on August 5, 2005. In the same trial at Dong Thap on 05/03/2007, she convicted with 1st sentence of 5 years in prison for “Disrupting security” & “Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties” under Article 245 & 257 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, and with 2nd sentence of 6 years in prison for her connection to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu who set herself on fire (suicided) 2001 in Can Tho province for protesting religious oppression of government; total 11 years’ imprisonment. Prison: Z30, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
47. Nguyen Binh Thanh: Born: 1955. Electrician, member of the Vietnam Progressive Party (Đảng Thăng Tiến), arrested on 2/17/2007 in Hue, sentenced on 3/30/2007 to 5 years in prison and 2 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, currently imprisoned in Nam Ha Province.
48. Nguyen Chi Thanh: Born: 1973. Arrested 08/2010, accused of member and collaborating with the Vietnam Reform Party (Dang Viet Tan), arrested 8/2010, sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest under Article 79 on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on 5/30/2011. Prison: Ben Tre provincial jail.
49. Nguyen Cong Chinh: Born: 1969. Pastor in the Lutherran Church, arrested 4/28/2011, accused of “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: T20, Pleiku, Kon Tum
50. Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung: Born: 1981. Member of the United Workers-Farmers Organization (UWFO), an unapproved union working on behalf of farmers whose land has been taken by the government for development. He was arrested on 2/24/2010, was convicted under Article 89 on “disrupting security”, sentenced to 9 years’ imprisonment on 10/27/2010 at Tra Vinh provincial People’s Court. Prison: Tra Vinh provincial jail.
51. Nguyen Hoang Son: Born: 1960. Member of the Government of Free. Arrested on 10/7/1999. Sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 5/29/2001. Prison: Z30A, Xuan-Loc, Dong-Nai.
52. Nguyen Huu Cau: Born: 1947. Former Captain of Republic of Vietnam’s Army. Arrested on 10/09/1982. Sentenced to LIFE imprisonment under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “undermining unity policy” on 5/19/1983. Prison: Section K2, Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong-Nai. Cau had been held 5 years in a “re-education camp” prior to current prison term.
53. Nguyen Long Hoi: Born: 1940. Arrested in 1997, convicted for violating Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”, served 13 years of a 20-year sentence, then escaped. He was re-captured and imprisoned for the remaining 7 years’ imprisonment, Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
54. Nguyen Manh Son: Born: 1943. Retired cadre, arrested on 5/8/2009 in Hai Phong, sentenced on 10/9/2009 to 3 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. Prison: Thanh Liet Prison, Thanh Tri, Hanoi.
55. Nguyen Ngoc Phuong: Born: 1977. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), arrested on 12/29/1999, sentenced on 5/29/2001 to 13 years’ imprisonment, under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration”. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
56. Nguyen Phong: Born: 1975. Leader of the Vietnam Progressive Party (PPV), arrested on 2/17/2007 in the city of Hue, sentenced on 3/30/2007 to 6 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” ; currently imprisoned in Thanh Hoa Province.
57. Nguyen Thanh Tam: Born: 1953. Farmer rights activist, member of the Evangelical Church, was detained on July 18, 2010 in his hometown of Ben-Tre province, accused of a member & collaborating with the Vietnam Reform Party (Dang Viet Tan), on 5/30/2011 sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese penal code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”. Prison: Ben Tre Provincial jail.
58. Nguyen Tien Trung: Born: 1983. Member of the Democratic Party of Vietnam (DPV), arrested on 7/7/2009 in Saigon, sentenced on 1/21/2010 to 7 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”. Prison: K1, Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
59. Nguyen Trung Ton: Born: 1971. Pastor in Evangelist church, arrested 01/15/2011, accused of still unknown. Has been sentenced yet.Prison: Nghe An provincial jail.
60. Nguyen Tuan Nam: Born: 1936. Member of the People Action Party. Arrested in 12/1997, sentenced to 20-years’ imprisonment in 9/1999, under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration”. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
61. Nguyen Van Canh: Born: 1950. Member of the People Action Party. Arrested in 1999. Sentenced to 20-years’ imprisonment, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
62. Nguyen Van Dien: Born: Unknown. Deputy Chairman of the Hoa-Hao Buddhist. Arrest on 08/05/2005. Sentenced on 09/27/2005 to 7 years’ imprisonment, under Article 89 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Disrupting security”. Prison: K2, Z30A, Xuan-Loc, Dong-Nai.
63. Nguyen Van Duyet: Born: 1980. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/7/2011 in Nghe An, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
64. Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay): Born: 1952. Blogger and free journalist, founding member of the Free Journalists Club, arrested in Saigon on 4/20/2008, sentenced on 9/10//2008 to 2 years and 6 months in prison. At the end of his prison term on 10/20/2010, he wasn’t released and is continuously accused of violating Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, has yet to be sentenced publicly.
65. Nguyen Van Hoa: Born: 1940. Member of Anti-Communist group, arrested in 1992, sentenced to 20-years’ imprisonment for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
66. Nguyen Van Lia: Born: 1940. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, arrested 4/24/2011 at Cho Moi, accused of “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State” under Article 258 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: An Giang provincial jail.
67. Reverend Nguyen Van Ly: Born: 1946. Catholic priest, founding member of the Vietnam Progressive Party, arrested on 2/18/2007 at his home parish in Thua Thien Province. On 3/30/2007, sentenced to 8 years in prison and 5 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. After two and a half years as a prisoner in Ha Nam Province, Rev. Ly suffered a major stroke in November 2009, and was brought to Hanoi for urgent care. He was conditionally released from prison on health grounds on March 18, 2010 for 1 year, and now returned to Ha Nam prison.
68. Nguyen Van Oai: Born: 1980. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 7/30/2011, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
69. Nguyen Van Phuong: Born: 1966. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), arrested in 1998, sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment, under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 5/29/2001. Prison: Section K-3 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
70. Nguyen Van Tho: Born: 1939. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, arrested on 10/02/2006 in Dong Thap Province, sentenced on 5/3/2007 to 6 years in prison, under Article 245 & 257 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Causing public disorder” and “Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties”. Prison: Section K-4 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
71. Nguyen Van Trung: Born: 1950. Arrested in 1992, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
72. Nguyen Van Tuc: Born: 1964. Active land protester from Thai Binh Province, arrested in Hai Phong on 9/10/2008, sentenced on 10/09/2009 to 4 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, currently at prison camp B14, Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Hanoi.
73. Nguyen Xuan Nghia: Born: 1949. Writer, representative of the 8406 Movement, arrested on 9/10/2008 in the city of Hai Phong, sentenced on 10/09/2009 to 6 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, currently at Thanh Liet Prison, Thanh Tri, Hanoi.
74. Nguyen Xuan Anh: Born: 1982. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/7/2011 in Nghe An, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
75. Nguyen Xuan No: Born: 1945. Follower of Cao Dai Church, arrested in 2005, sentenced to an 9 years’ imprisonment for “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code on 7/27/2005. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
Prior to this prison term, he had served two other terms for political offenses.
76. Nong Hung Anh: Born: 1988. Member of Evangelist Youth, arrested 8/5/2011 in Ha Noi, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
77. Pham Ba Huy: Born: 1945. Former officer of the Republic of Vietnam Air Force, arrested 4/21/2010 (Pham Thi Phuong’s husband), accused of unknown & has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: Dong Nai provincial jail
78. Pham Minh Hoang: Born: 1955. French citizen, a math lecturer at the Saigon Polytechnic University, accused of a member & collaborating with the Vietnam Reform Party (Dang Viet Tan), detained on August 13, 2010, sentenced on 8/10/2011to 3 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”. At appeal court on 11/29/2011 sentence was reduced to 17 months’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest. Prison: B34 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) Nguyen Van Cu, Hochiminh City.
79. Pham Ngoc Hoa: Born: 1954. Accused of a member & collaborating with the Vietnam Reform Party (Dang Viet Tan), arrested 8/2010, sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on 5/30/2011. Prison: Ben Tre provincial jail.
80. Pham Thanh Nghien: Born: 1977. Member of Bloc 8406, arrested on 9/18/2008 in Hai Phong, and in a closed trial on 01/29/2010 where she was sentenced to 4 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, currently at prison camp B14, Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Hanoi.
81. Pham Thi Ngoc Phuong: Born: 1945. Former Officer of the Republic of Vietnam’s Army, member of the Vietnam Populist Party, arrested on April 18, 2010 in Hochiminh City, sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment, under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 9/21/2011. Currently held at B-34 Detention Center in Hochiminh.
82. Pham Van Thong: Born: 1962. Accused of a member & collaborating with the Vietnam Reform Party (Dang Viet Tan), arrested 8/2010, sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment and 5 years of house arrest, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on 5/30/2011. Prison: Ben Tre provincial jail.
83. Pham Van Troi: Born: 1972. Engineer, member of the Vietnam Human Right Committee, arrested in Hanoi on 9/10/2008, sentenced on 10/082009 to 4 years in prison and 4 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. Prison: Nam Ha.
84. Pham Xuan Than: Born: 1958. Member of Alliance of Vietnamese Revolutionary Parties, arrested 6/12/1996, sentenced to LIFE imprisonment for “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: K2, Z30A, Xuan-Loc, Dong-Nai.
85. Phan Thanh Hai (anhbasg): Born: 1969. Attorney, blogger, member of the Free Journalists Club, arrested 10/18/2010, accused of “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B34 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) Nguyen Van Cu, Hochiminh City.
86. Phan Van Ban: Born: 1937. Arrested 1978, sentenced on 11/26/1985 to life imprisonment for distributing anti-government leaflets. Prison: Nam Ha.
87. Phung Quang Quyen: Born: 1956. Member of Vietnam Populist Party, arrested on 8/30/2009, sentenced on April 18, 2010 for 4 years’ imprisonment and 4 year of house arrest for violating Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration”. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
Quyen had been imprisoned for 18 months prior to current prison term.
88. Rah Lan Dang: Born: 1979. The minority ethnic group in Gia Lai, an Evangelist follower, arrested 2003, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
89. Rmah Hlach: Born: 1968. The minority ethnic group in Gia Lai, an Evangelist follower, arrested 7/23/2009, sentenced on 1/14/2010 to 12 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha
90. Rmah Y San: Born: 1968. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower, arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha
91. Siu Koch: Born: 1985. The minority ethnic group in Gia Lai, an Evangelist follower, arrested 7/23/2009, sentenced on 1/14/2010 to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
92. Siu Viu: Born: 1978. The minority ethnic group in Gia Lai, an Evangelist follower, arrested 2008, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
93. Son Nguyen Thanh Dien: Born: 1972. An U.S. Permanent Resident, member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do). Arrested 8/17/2000, sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment, under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 5/29/2001. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
94. Ta Phong Tan: Born: Born: 1968. Former Police officer, blogger, one of founding members of the Free Journalists Club. Arrested on 9/5/2011, accused of still unknown. Prison: 4 Phan Dang Luu, Hochiminh City.
95. Thai Van Dung: Born: 1988. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/19/2011 in Ha Noi, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: B14, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
96. To Van Hong: Born: 1950. Arrested in 1999, sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment, under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 5/29/2001. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
97. Tran Anh Kim: Born: 1949. Former officer of the People’s Army, member of the DPV, arrested on 7/7/2009, and sentenced to 5½ years in prison and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on 1/18/2010; currently at prison camp B14, Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Hanoi.
98. Tran Hoai An: Born: 1953. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, arrested 7/2/2011 in Dong Thap, accused of “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State” under Article 258 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: An Giang provincial jail.
99. Tran Hoang Giang: Born: 1980. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do). Arrested 2/28/2000, sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment, under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” on 5/29/2001. Prison: Section K-3 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
100. Tran Huu Canh: Born: 1952. Cao Dai Church follower, arrested 2005, sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment for “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code on 7/27/2005. Prison: Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
101. Tran Huu Duc: Born: 1988. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/2/2011 in Ha Noi, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: Nghi Kim, Nghe An.
102. Tran Huynh Duy Thuc: Born: 1966. Engineer, internet entrepreneur and blogger, arrested in Ho Chi Minh City on 5/24/2009, sentenced on 1/20/2010 to 16 years in prison and 5 years of house arrest for “Activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: K1, Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
103. Tran Minh Nhat: Born: 1988. Student, member of Catholic Youth, arrested 8/27/2011 in Hochiminh City, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: 237 Nguyen Van Cu, Hochiminh City.
104. Tran Quoc Hien: Born: 1965. Attorney, spokeman for the United Workers-Farmers Organization of Viet Nam (Hiệp hội đoàn kết công nông Việt Nam), arrested in Saigon on 1/12/2007, sentenced on 5/15/2007 to 5 years’ imprisonment and 2 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”; currently imprisoned at prison camp Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
105. Tran Thi Thuy: Born: 1971. A Farmer rights and Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, arrested 8/10/2010, accused of a member & collaborating with the Vietnam Reform Party, sentenced 8 years’ imprisonment and 5 years of house arrest for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on 5/30/2011. Prison: Ben Tre provincial jail.
106. Tran Tu (Tran Huu Khuong): Born: Unknown. U.S. Permanent Resident, former Captain of Republic of Vietnam’s Army, member of Alliance of Vietnamese Revolutionary Parties; arrested 1993, sentenced to LIFE imprisonment for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Section B, Nam Ha.
107. Tran Van Duc: Born: 1950. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam, arrested 1999, sentenced on 5/16/2001 to 11 years’ imprisonment for for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: K2, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai
Thieng had been held 6 years in a “re-education camp” prior to current prison term.
108. Tran Van Thiep: Born: 1963. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist. Arrested 8/4/2007, sentenced 6 years’ imprisonment for “Causing public disorder” under Article 245 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: Lang Bien, Dong Thap.
109. Tran Vu Anh Binh: Born: unknown. Member of Catholic Youth, arrested 9/19/2011 in Hochiminh City, accused of “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Has yet to be sentenced publicly. Prison: Hochiminh City.
110. Truong Minh Duc: Born: 1960. Free journalist, member of the Vietnam Populist Party, arrested on 5/05/2007 in Kien Giang, sentenced on 7/18/2008 to 5 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest for “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State” under Article 258 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
111. Truong Quoc Huy: Born: 1980. Member of Bloc 8406, arrested in Saigon on 8/18/2006, sentenced on 1/29/2008 to 6 years in prison for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, currently at prison camp Z30A, Xuan Truong Village, Xuan Loc District, Dong Nai Province.
112. Truong Thi Tam: Born: 1966. Member of the Vietnam Populist Party. Arrested on 08/30/2009, sentenced on 4/20/2010 to 3 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest for “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: Section K-4 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
113. Truong Van Duy: Born: 1964. Member of Alliance of Vietnamese Revolutionary Parties, arrested 6/12/1996, sentenced to LIFE imprisonment for “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: K2, Xuan-Loc, Dong-Nai.
114. Truong Van Kim: Born: 1954. Member of the Vietnam Populist Party, arrested on 08/26/2009, sentenced on April 18, 2010 to 3 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest for “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: Section K-2 of Xuan-Loc Camp in Dong-Nai Province.
115. Van Ngoc Hieu: Born: 1963. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), arrested on 02/28/2000, sentenced on 5/29/2001 to 20 years’ imprisonment for “Terrorism to oppose the people’s administration” under Article 84 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: K2, Xuan-Loc, Dong-Nai.
116. Vi Duc Hoi: Born: 1956. The minority ethnic group, former Director of VCP college in Huu Lung, Lang Son, arrest 10/27/2010, sentenced on 01/26/2011 to 5 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Yen Trach, Lang Son.
117. Vo Van Buu: Born: 1970. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, self-immolation 8/5/2005 but was saved, sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment on 9/27/2005, under Article 245 & 257 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Causing public disorder” and “Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties”, jailed in Xuan Loc, Dong Nai. His wife, Mai Thi Dung, also sentenced for 6 years by the same court.
118. Vo Van Thanh Liem (aka Năm Liêm): Born: 1940. Monk of Hoa-Hao Buddhist, detained 8/5/2005 (along with nephew Nguyen Thanh Long), sentenced on 9/18/2005 to 7 years’ imprisonment for “Causing public disorder” & “Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties” under Article 245 & 257 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: K2, Z30, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai.
119. Vu Duc Trung: Born: 1980. Director of Nhan Hoa software company, member of Falun Gong in Vietnam. Arrested 6/11/2010, accused of broardcasting Falun Gong’s “Sound of Hope Network” into China, sentenced on 11/10/2011 to 3 years’ imprisonment for “Illegally using information in computer networks” under Article 226 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: B14 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) – Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi.
120. Vu Quang Thuan: Born: 1966. Leader of Vietnam Thriving Movement (Chan Hung Nuoc Viet), on 5/31/2009 escaped from Vietnam into Malaisya on 9/8/2009 for seeking political refuge, but was deported back to Vietnam & arrested right when arriving at Tan Son Nhat airport on 2/2/2011, accused of “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Currently still in interrogation process at B34 (Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam) Nguyen Van Cu, Hochiminh City, has yet to be sentenced publicly.
121. Y Bri E-Nuol: Born: 1958. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
122. Y But Nie Kdam: Born: 1971. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower, arrested 2004, sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha
123. Y Dhiam: Born: 1966. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
124. Y Do Mlo: Born: 1957. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 9 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
125. Y Don B.Ya: Born: 1971. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
126. Y Het Kdam: Born: 1962. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
127. Y Hoang B. K-Rong: Born: 1974. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
128. Y Jon E-Nuoi: Born: 1974. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
129. Y Jut B.Ya: Born: 1962. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
130. Y Jut E-Ban: Born: 1970. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
131. Y Krec B.Ya: Born: 1978. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
132. Y Kuo B.Ya: Born: 1956. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
133. Y Kur B. Dap: Born: 1971. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
134. Y Mi Nie: Born: 1962. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
135. Y Nging Nie: Born: 1974. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 9 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
136. Y Ngun Knul: Born: 1968. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
137. Y Nok Mlo: Born: 1968. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2001, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
138. Y Nuen Bya: Born: 1969. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2001, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
139. Y Phu Ksor: Born: 1980. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
140. Y Rin Ka: Born: 1970. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2001, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “Disrupting security” under Article 89 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
141. Y Rit Nie Kdam: Born: 1972. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
142. Y Sen Nie Kdam: Born: 1954. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
143. Y Sing Nie: Born: 1960. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 9 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
144. Y Suon B.Ya: Born: 1969. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
145. Y Thot: Born: 1962. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
146. Y Thuon Nie: Born: 1970. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2001, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
147. Y Tim B. Ya: Born: 1968. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2002, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
148. Y Tlup Adrong: Born: 1954. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
149. Y Troi Ksor: Born: 1982. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2004, sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
150. Y Tuan Hdok: Born: 1967. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
151. Y Yoan Hmok: Born: 1980. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
152. Y Yuan B.Ya: Born: 1968. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
153. Y-Ang Knul: Born: 1966. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
154. Y-Vo (Ama Quynh): Born: 1971. The minority ethnic group in Daklak, an Evangelist follower. Arrested 2003, sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment for “undermining unity policy” under Article 87 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Nam Ha.
Under House Arrest: 29 persons
1. Dinh Quang Hai: Born: 1969. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), was arrested at Daklak on July 01, 1999, sentenced to 11 years in prison under Article 79 on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on May 16, 2001; released on July 01, 2010 and is currently under house arrest.
2. Doan Van Dien: Born: 1954. Member of the Alliance of Workers and Farmers (AWF), arrested on 11/05/2006, sentenced on 12/10/2007 to 4 years and 6 months in prison for “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State” under Article 258 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Released and is currently under house arrest.
3. Hang Tan Phat: Born: 1984. Member of Bloc 8406, arrested on 9/23/2005, sentenced on 1/29/2008 to 6 years in prison under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, released and is currently under house arrest.
4. Huynh Buu Chau: Born: 1953. Member of the Government of Free Vietnam (Chính phủ Việt Nam Tự Do), was arrested on Sept 09, 1999, and sentenced to 12 years in prison under Article 79 on “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” on May 16, 2001; released and is currently under house arrest.
5. Huynh Nguyen Dao (Huynh Viet Lang): Born: 1968. Free journalist, member of The People’s Democratic Party, arrested in Saigon on August 14, 2006, sentenced to 2,5 years in prison and 2 years of house arrest on August 17, 2007 for “conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. He was released on 17 February 2009; is currently under house arrest.
6. Le Nguyen Sang: Born: 1959. Medical doctor, leader of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), arrested on 8/14/2006 in Saigon, sentenced on 8/17/2007 to 4 years in prison, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, was released on August 17, 2010, and is currently under house arrest.
7. Le Thi Cong Nhan: Born: 1979. Attorney and spokewoman of the Vietnam Progressive Party (VNPP), member of Vietnamese Human Rights Committee, arrested on 3/6/2007 in Hanoi, sentenced on 11/27/2007 to 3 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, released on 3/06/2010, is currently under house arrest.
8. Ngo Quynh: Born: 1984. Student activist, member of Bloc 8406, arrested in Hai Phong on 10/01/2008, sentenced on 10/09/2009 to 3 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Released and is currently under house arrest.
9. Nguyen Anh Hao: Born: 1938. Former officer of of Republic of Vietnam’s Army, member of of The People’s Action Party of Vietnam, arrested 7/17/1997, sentenced in 1999 to 13 years’ imprisonment for “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison: Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai. Released and is currently under house arrest.
10. Nguyen Bac Truyen: Born: 1968. Attorney, member of the The People’s Democratic Party of Viet Nam; arrested on 8/14/2006 in Saigon and sentenced on 8/17/2007 to 3 years and 6 months in prison and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”; released and is currently under house arrest.
11. Nguyen Hong Son: Born: 1978. Cao Dai Church follower. Arrested in 2005, sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment for “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code on 7/27/2005. Prison: Z30A, Xuam Loc, Dong Nai. Released and is currently under house arrest.
12. Nguyen Huu Hai: Born: 1978. Cao Dai Church follower. Arrested in 2005, sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment for “Fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people’ administration” under Article 91 of the Vietnamese Penal code on 7/27/2005. Prison: Z30A, Xuam Loc, Dong Nai. Released and is currently under house arrest.
13. Nguyen Huu Phu: Born: Unknown. Member of The People’s Action Party of Vietnam. Arrested in 1999, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: K2, Z30A, Xuan Loc, Dong Nai. Released and is currently under house arrest.
14. Nguyen Kim Nhan: Born: 1949. Representative of land protesters from Bac Giang Province, arrested on 9/25/2008, sentenced on 10/09/2009 to 2 years in prison and 2 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Prison: Thanh Liet, Thanh Tri, Hanoi. Released, is currently under house arrest.
15. Nguyen Thanh Long: Born: Unknown. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, was arrested on August 5, 2005, on 9/26/2006 sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment, under Article 89 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Disrupting security” by the people court Long Xuyen, An Giang Province; released and is currently under house arrest.
16. Nguyen Thanh Phong: Born: 1979. A leader of Hoa-Hao Buddhist Youth League; detained Aug. 5, 2005 along with his wife Nguyen Thi Ha, sentenced Sept. 27, 2005 for 6 years’ imprisonment, under Article 89 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Disrupting security” and “against the government officials”; released, is currently under house arrest.
17. Nguyen Van Dai: Born: 1969. Attorney, human rights advocate and founder of the Vietnam Human Rights Committee, arrested on 3/6/2007 in Hanoi, sentenced on 11/27/2007 to 4 years’ imprisonment and 4 years of house arrest, under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, released and is currently under house arrest.
18. Nguyen Van Ngoc: Born: 1959. Engineer & businessman, member of the Vietnamese Patriots Organization; arrested in Saigon on 2/28/2007, sentenced on 12/11/2007 to 4 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest, under Article 258 of the Vietnamese Penal code on “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State”, released and is currently under house arrest.
19. Nguyen Van Thuy: Born: 1981. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, arrested on 4/22/2006 in Dong Thap Province, sentenced on 5/03/2007 to 5 years in prison for “Causing public disorder” & “Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties” under Article 245 & 257 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Released and is currently under house arrest.
20. Nguyen Van Tinh: Born: 1942. Staff writer for the dissident newsletter To Quoc (Motherland), arrested in Hai Phong on 9/24/2008, sentenced on 10/09/2009 to 3 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Released and is currently under house arrest.
21. Nguyen Vu Binh: Born: 1968. Journalist, former editor of Communist Magazine. Arrested 9/25/2002, sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest for “Spying” under Article 80 of the Vietnamese Penal code on 12/31/2003. Prison: Nam Ha. Released and is currently under house arrest.
22. Pham Ba Hai: Born: 1968. Leader of Bach Dang Giang Organization, arrested in Saigon on 9/072006, sentenced on 8/8/2008 to 5 years in prison and 2 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Released and is currently under house arrest.
23. Thich Quang Do (Dang Phuc Tue): Born: 1928. Buddhist leader, Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, arrested in Ho Chi Minh City in April 1977, tried on 12/08//1978 and released, rearrested on 02/25/1982 and exiled to home village of Vu Doai, returned on his own in March 1992 to Saigon, arrested for the third time on 01/04/1995 for writing a 44-page document detailing the persecution of the UBCV at the hands of the communist government, tried on 8/15/1995 to 5 years in prison, released on 8/30/1998, formally placed under house (i.e. temple) arrest since June 2001 at Thanh Minh Zen Monastery.
24. To Van Manh: Born: 1950. A Hoa-Hao Buddhist activist, detained Aug. 5, 2005, sentenced Sept. 27, 2005 for 6 years by An Giang prople’s court, under Article 89 of the Vietnamese Penal Code on “Disrupting security” and “against the government officials”, released and is currently under house arrest.
25. Tran Duc Thach: Born: 1952. Poet, member of Bloc 8406, arrested on 9/10/2008, sentenced on 10/06/2009 to 3 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Released and is currently under house arrest.
26. Tran Van Thieng: Born: 1935. Former Lieutenant of Republic of Vietnam’s Special Police. Arrested 2/14/1991, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment and 5 years of house arrest for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code. Just released and is currently under house arrest.
27. Trinh Quoc Thao: Born: 1956. Member of Vietnamese Patriots Organization, arrested on 2/28/2007 and sentenced on 12/11/2007 to 2 years in prison and 2 years of house arrest for “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State” under Article 258 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Prison term completed, released and is currently under house arrest.
28. Truong Minh Nguyet: Born: 1946. Engineer, member of the Association of Political and Religious Prisoners (Hội Ái Hữu Tù Nhân Chính Trị & Tôn Giáo), member of Vietnamese Patriots Organization.
First prison term: arrest in 1981, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code.
Second prison term: arrested on 6/4/2007 in Saigon, sentenced on 12/11/2007 to 4 years in prison and 3 years of house arrest for “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State” under Article 258 of the Vietnamese Penal code. Released and is currently under house arrest
29. Vu Hung: Born: 1966. Teacher, arrested on 9/18/2008, sentenced in Hanoi on 10/07/2009 to 3 years imprisonment and 3 years of house arrest for “Conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, just released and is currently under house arrest.
Nguồn: VRNs

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